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5 tips to help you preserve your clothing fur garments

five tips to help you preserve your clothing fur garments
28 June 0 comments 244 VIEWS

Fur garments are a beautiful and timeless piece of your wardrobe. Besides being a beautiful statement of your personal style, fur garments are very valuable. That is why it is very important to take care of them in the right way throughout the seasons.

But which is the right way to store your fur during the off-season? Storing a fur coat is more difficult than storing other winter accessories. Below, we’ll break down 5 important tips to help you store your fur coat properly, keeping it in top condition.

1.       Store in a dark and cool place

It is necessary to make sure that the place where you store your fur coat is dark and cool. Your fur should not be in places with high temperatures and direct exposure to the sun in order to keep it in perfect condition. The above situations can dry and fade your fur.

For this reason, it is important not to store your fur coat in places with high humidity levels such as the basement or garage. Furs should be kept in spacious closets or air-conditioned rooms that are not directly exposed to the sun’s rays.

2.       Make sure they have room to breathe

It is essential that fur coats have enough space to breathe. This way your fur will be kept dry and cool, avoiding problems such as unpleasant odors and mold.

If you wish to store your fur coat in a garment bag, it is important to avoid plastic bags. Because inside a plastic bag, the fur coat does not breathe, and as a result, it will be damaged. Choose bags which are suitable for fur coats.

3.       Don’t squeeze your fur coats

Do not store your fur coats too close together or on other fabrics. You need to store them in places with enough space, because if they don’t have enough space they are very likely to get moldy and spoiled.

4.       Use the right aromatics in your wardrobe

It is certainly necessary to remove pests from your fur, but you must choose the way carefully. Fur coats can very easily absorb a bad smell which leaves with great difficulty. For this reason you can choose lavender sachets which will remove the parasites.

5.       Choose the right hangers

The fur coat is heavier than other coats we use during the winter. Therefore, simple standard hangers are not suitable to provide the required support for your coat. This can result in your coat losing its shape at the shoulders. A more suitable option is the wooden hanger with wide shoulders, which can perfectly support the weight of your coat.

The above tips are important to help you store your fur coat properly during the off-season. It is helpful to place your fur coats in places with plenty of room and free of moisture. At Shopifur you will find a wide range of fur coats, chinchilla fur and other high quality and durable furs. Follow the steps above to maintain their excellent quality. For more information please feel free to contact us!

